I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that every day doesn’t feel beautiful and wonderful and fantastic. But that’s okay. We’re only human – we go through so many different emotions and feelings sometimes all at once and they can make it hard to enjoy your day.
Even if life isn’t always easy, there are things you can do to have a good day. With a little effort and some determination, you can take the steps to enjoy life – one day at a time.
Here are some things I do to make my day a little better:
1. Wake up early
The word “early” can have a lot of meanings for different people. Whether it’s waking up at 5 am, 6 am, or 7 am, my point is to wake up at a time that’s going to make you feel productive and ready to tackle the day. If waking up at 8 am makes you feel like you are getting a head start on your day, then that’s great! If you have kids, try to wake up before your kids get up (even if it’s just 5 minutes). This isn’t always possible, especially if you have a child who is an early riser, but whenever you can, try to get yourself to wake up before tackling the (beautiful) chaos that begins when your kids wake up.
2. Get ready for the day
I may not always feel like it, but brushing my teeth and getting dressed right after getting out of bed starts my day on the right foot. Not only is it one less thing I have to do when the kids are up and out of bed, but it already makes me feel like I am being productive. Getting ready for the day first thing in the morning has many perks. If you have to run out of the house unexpectedly, you are ready to go. If your morning has been nonstop, at least you are dressed and can focus on giving yourself some downtime when things slow down instead of having to head to your closet. I also like to make my bed first thing in the morning. This is an easy task that, once completed, will encourage you to take on more tasks throughout the day.
3. Know when to focus on one thing at a time
I’ve said in my blog posts that I am a HUGE multitasker; however, I do believe that if you want to do something well, you need to focus your entire attention on that one task. I try to do this as often as I can, while still keeping a running list of things I want to do or get done.
4. Stay organized
I’m not saying your house has to look like an episode of “The Home Edit” or that you need to do things “Marie Kondo” style. Now, would I love to have my house looking the way these people show us – hell yeah. Maybe one day, but not today. What I mean by “stay organized” is really to “feel organized”. My depiction of “organized” might look different from yours, but as long as we’re both feeling good about our space, then we’re both staying organized. This not only means that you should feel comfortable in your space, but that you should strive to keep up with your daily tasks – such as making doctor appointments and running errands.
5. Eat healthy meals and snacks
I know it’s so easy to grab that cookie from the pantry as a quick snack to fill you up. Try to avoid the temptation! You may be surprised at how much more refreshed and awake you feel if you choose a yogurt or a banana. That being said, make it easy for yourself to make these healthy choices by adding these items to your grocery list. Keep the fruit on your counter and in sight, and place healthy refrigerated foods at eye level in the front of your fridge.
6. Be grateful
This one can be tricky. Life doesn’t always feel beautiful – we find ourselves face-to-face with loss, sickness, and tragedies. But we have to keep going. Allow yourself time to process and grieve when life isn’t always kind, but also remind yourself to find the good things in life. Monty Python says it well – “Always look on the bright side of life“.
7. Plan the next day before going to bed
I don’t mean to open up an Excel sheet and make an hourly schedule for the next day (if you have the time to do this – that’s great!), but at the very minimum, make a list. I write a note on my phone with a list of things I’d like to accomplish the next day. The keywords here are like to. It’s okay if you don’t check off every item on your list and if you do – that’s fantastic! Making a daily list helps me accomplish my tasks because I am able to pick and choose which task I want to tackle next. If I find myself with only a couple of free minutes, I pick one of the easier things on my list, and vice versa.
To sum it up
Don’t forget to smile. When things get frustrating, try to take it lightly. Laugh when your toddler spills the Rice Krispies and smile when you see the gigantic mess in the kitchen after lunchtime. You will get things done, one task at a time. Little disturbances like these shouldn’t put a damper on your day. Instead, tackle them with a positive mindset. I like to say out loud “Alright, let’s do this” when I see a massive mess or when I’m presented with a challenge (I’ve gotten my baby and toddler single-handedly out of bed, ready, and out the door in 30 minutes and you better believe I said those words to pump myself up for the task). You can do anything 💪, so take a deep breath, smile, and have yourself a good day. ☀️