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Why “Right Now” Is So Important

Why Right Now Is So Important

I’m learning so much from being a mother. I’m not just learning about the ins and outs of my kids; I’m also learning about myself and how I aspire to live.

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Today was a tough afternoon for my kids and me. My toddler (very) recently dropped her only nap of the day and has been struggling in the afternoons. The word “struggling” is a gentle way to describe it some days.

But, it won’t be like this forever. My toddler will continue to grow and her body will one day be capable of navigating an entire napless day without the frustration and fatigue that she is currently experiencing in the late afternoon. Every phase (whether pleasant or downright ugly) is temporary.

I’ve tried to start adding the words “right now” to the beginning of my sentences when I talk about something that is far from ideal.

Right now, afternoons are tough.

Right now, dinners are busy.

Right now, it’s tough to leave the house on time.

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These two words give me a sense of both hope and sorrow. I’m hopeful that the hard phases will subside. I don’t like seeing my toddler struggle with such big feelings at the end of the day. We’ve all felt exhaustion and it’s not easy to go about your day battling this feeling. On the other hand, these two words also bring me some sorrow. One day, my toddler will go an entire day without a nap and be fine. She won’t necessarily be tired throughout the day and she’ll go about her daily activities without meltdowns that are due to fatigue or exhaustion. This day will also mean that she has entered a new phase and has grown.

These two simple words serve as a beautiful reminder. A necessary reminder that things are temporary when times are hard, but also a welcoming reminder to keep your head up because it won’t be like this for long.

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Although challenging at times, in the thick of these hard moments, I force myself to empathize with my daughter and remind myself of the reason behind her feelings and actions. Right now, she is tired in the afternoon. Right now, it’s difficult for her to regulate. Right now, she needs extra help, compassion, and above all, love.

Motherhood has taught me more than any other journey I have been on. I believe you never stop learning as a parent and that everyone’s parenting journey is unique. What I’ve been learning can be applied to many aspects of life, and I’m so grateful for everything my kids have inadvertently taught me.

Whether most of your moments are tough, beautiful, or a mix of both: keep your head up. You’ll get through the hard times, engrain the beautiful moments in your mind, and you’ll gain invaluable knowledge through the process.

And I’ll leave you with that because right now, I’m exhausted.

Related: “A Challenge In Parenthood No One Talks About

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