Giving birth is no walk in the park.
No matter what your birth story is, your body went through a dramatic change in a short period of time. Our bodies create and grow human life for about 9 months. Everything we do revolves around this little human we have not yet met. What we eat, drink, and the physical activity we do is not with ourselves in mind, but it’s in the best interest of our baby.
We sacrifice so much for this little person because we love them from the moment we find out about their existence. It’s in our nature.
I never understood how strong I was until I got pregnant. The exhaustion, mood swings, and physical implications we go through make us realize just how much it takes to grow a baby. For 9 months we make our bodies the best home we can for our little one. And then all hell breaks loose.
You may think I’m being dramatic but I want you to really think about what goes on during birth. Are all those feelings rushing back yet?
Not only do our bodies tell us when it’s “go time”, but we are all of a sudden left with no baby inside our belly. Instead, you have an amazing new life in your arms. Finally holding your baby is beautiful and magical, but we tend to forget what moms go through after giving birth.
Our bodies hurt. We may have physical or emotional scars. Everyone’s pregnancy and birth journey is so different, but we all have one thing in common: our bodies have changed. We might not recognize ourselves when we look in the mirror or when we look down at our stretched-out skin.
“You’ll get your body back” and “It’ll go away” are things people have said to me after both of my pregnancies. My baby is 8 months old and I still don’t feel comfortable in my own skin. I feel proud of the marks both my pregnancies have left on me, but I still pull my shirt down if I feel it has risen, and I still point my toes when sitting to put less emphasis on the marks on my thighs.
Our bodies have changed. They’ve grown a baby and are now nurturing that baby in the most beautiful way, but we don’t feel like ourselves. We’re still adjusting to our bodies along with caring for the baby that used to inhabit it. The demands of the pregnancy have turned into the demands of the baby, so where do our own needs come in?
Mothers are selfless. We adapt to change, we fight through pain, and we give it our all. We deal with and make the most out of whatever pregnancy and birth throws at us.
It has been 8 months since I gave birth to my second baby and I am still losing handfuls of hair. When people say to me “You’re already so skinny,” I think back to the meals I have skipped because I was too busy feeding my two babies. Parts of my body feel as though they have shriveled up and I question whether the skin around my belly button will ever look the same.
So, to all the mamas who are going through the postpartum phase – whether you are 6 weeks or 8 months postpartum – I see you. You have done so much for your baby and your love, indestructible bond, and sacrifices show through your own body.
I’d love to hear about your postpartum journey. Feel free to share in the comments below. Knowing what others endure allows us to accept and move forward with our own challenges and insecurities.